Are your funds available for Charities, Companies or Family Offices?
Can I buy the Omba funds in my SIPP or ISA in the UK?
Yes, you can ask your platform to do so if it is already available. If not, you need to send them the ISIN, fund name and link to this website saying you wish to invest into the fund. They will then add the fund. If you have issues doing so, please contact us. The fund is already available on some platforms in the UK and via a number of banks which have invested on behalf of their clients.
How do I invest in a Fund?
You can invest in the fund via your bank account or platform provided you can hold a fund denominated in GBP, USD or EUR in that account (no minimum investment amount). Alternatively, you can invest directly into the fund by subscribing for units directly (minimum initial investment amount is £/$/€ 100,000) by completing the Application form found in the Key Documents section of each fund.
How do I get information about how my investment is performing?
On a monthly basis we publish a Fund Factsheet which provides information on how the Fund is performing.
On a daily basis the NAV of the Fund is published on the Prescient website at the link below, via other channels like Morningstar, the FT, or via your platform or bank which would have the most recent NAV.
What is an ETF?
An ETF is an Exchange Traded Fund. As the name implies an Exchange Traded Fund is a fund which trades on an exchange. Historically most ETFs have tracked well known indices by buying all or almost all the stocks or bonds that constitute an index, although today there are many variants. ETFs provide a simple, cost efficient way to gain a diversified exposure to a basket of stocks or bonds without having to go and buy every single one yourself.
What is a UCITS fund?
UCITS is the acronym for “Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities”. UCITS is a regulatory framework of the European Commission that creates a harmonised regime throughout the EU for the management and sale of mutual funds. UCITS funds can be registered in the EU and sold to investors worldwide using unified regulatory and investor protection requirements. UCITS fund providers who meet the standards are exempt from national regulation in individual EU countries. Although UCITS were initially intended only to be marketed across the European Union, the UCITS brand is now recognised as the only truly globally distributed investment fund product. As a result, an increasing number of asset managers are establishing UCITS funds with a clearly defined global distribution strategy.
A growing number of countries in Asia and Latin America have accepted UCITS as providing a stable, high quality, well-regulated investment product with significant levels of investor protection.
Where are the assets in the fund held?
The depository (or custodian) of the Fund’s assets is Northern Trust which is one of the largest and most established depositories in the world. Omba only has authority to transact on these assets as the investment manager but we have no authority to wire your money or assets out of the fund. Prescient Fund Services (Ireland) Limited, as administrator and manager, handle all subscriptions and redemptions independently of Omba. The Central Bank of Ireland is the regulator for the Fund.
What is the difference between the Distribution share class and Accumulation share class?
The Distribution class of the fund, as the name implies, distributes all dividends paid by the ETFs to the investors (less any expenses). So, as the ETFs earn dividends and interest from the underlying equities and bonds, they in turn collect and distribute all of those to investors (after applicable withholding tax has been deducted). The Accumulation share class, however, accumulates (rolls up) the dividends paid from the ETFs into the fund and so the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the fund rises by this increase in cash. This cash is then re-invested into the underlying portfolio of ETFs within the fund.